First off, there were just a few minor things here and there that needed fixing. Nothing much of note. The big difference comes with a change to...
Anemeros updated Turbulent with a new update entry: A couple of tweaks... Read the rest of this update entry...
Anemeros submitted a new map: Turbulent - Mirrored, arena-style map built for gameplay without sacrificing creativity. Two main bases, a Phaeton...
[MEDIA] EDIT: I replaced the Phaeton with the Wasp :) Hello fellow forgers! This is Turbulent, a re-imagining of a map I have made in previous...
I won! All my mapz is teh winnar!!!jk Seriously though, I would like some clarity on the process of informing the lucky winners. Email, Live...
What is that supposed to imply? That seemed very negative for some reason. Isn't it a courtesy to follow up a complaint with an explanation of...
So far I have tested it in Slayer and Team Slayer with 6 players, and it played very well. Much of the action took place inside the club (even...
The idea behind Shore Leave is that it's a UNSC base with a heavy emphasis on R&R. This is where soldiers come to wind down and relax for a bit...
I must admit that I don't really like the round walkways coming down from the ceiling. When you added glass decor across the entire upper-levels...
Let's get this out of the way right now... In the year 2499 Galactic Toilets unveiled their patented "black hole anti-waste containment...
During testing all of the concerns I had about the map never became an issue. No one has ever complained about the range of the map, because long...
You are right, they are very blurry because I could only figure out how to copy the pics from photobucket. Didn't realize that you could grab 'em...
Turbulent wasn't designed to be extremely creative or original. I wanted to make a balanced map with an interesting layout. A traditional...
No more rockets to worry about trying to get, with or without 'nades. Too much boom and too little room, I'm afraid. Twas phfor the best.
Ah I thought the thumbnail would suffice. You are right though, I will add more pics... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
It is definately a nice map. You guys need to look out for the final version. He's added even more detail that makes it extra saucy. Doorknobs,...
This is my attempt at making an arena-style map. Simple, balanced and symmetrical. Right now it only supports CTF and Slayer. Please test it,...