ancient cliff dwellers mysteriously left their home without any trace of their existence, except for a magical fire that burns forever. boats are...
thanks, yea i really liked playing storm the beach on halo 3. youd think it would be one of those games bungie would make into a playlist!
dang, i always saw it as an awesome way to relive great moments with friends. that sucks they couldnt find away around the problems. thanks
i keep trying to watch recent matchmaking games in theater with my friends but it always says "the party size is to big for this playlist". whats...
that sounds awesome, thanks. any ideas for number 1 tho?
i had a couple of questions that have been puzzling me for a while trying to get my maps made, many of the problems came up while trying to play...
this is a fun map for infection, sharks and minnows gametype. neck high water that you can crouch in without dying. the four sides are surrounded...
remake of storm the beach on halo 3 on last resort. Normandy D-Day battle. played with territories, no specific gametype required. i wanted to put...
yea sorry i didnt have any pics, if they take it down i dont mind i guess
I remade shipment and countdown from Call of Duty on Sandbox. Sorry i just made an account today and dont have pics for either. they arent amazing...