In addition to group select -> move, it would be great to also have group cloning (ex make a house from 10 pieces, clone that build to make a row...
Its nice to see there are fans of the original. Hopefully some people who played the original can help test to see if its working out as well if...
I was asked if I would remake my "Jackal's Bridge" map from halo3. I took a couple days out and set this up, just gottah finish it off and should...
how much of your budget is left after this? I could see this being some kind of centerpiece for a museum exhibition (although I guess some of the...
Look pretty sweet! Aesthetically the pointed corners look kinda tacky to me. If you can afford it I'd recommend having a second piece to blend it...
this is the best ship map I've seen so far. Not a huge fan of "frigate" type but the way you broke up the exterior shape is very appealing. The...
I wanted to name a map "Wilford Brimley" because it was so sweet, it would give you diabetes.
hot damn these are amazing! fantastic job love the white house and the dam especially. Wish I had my halo so I could check them out but someone...
I like the theme of this map. The ships and buildings are pretty cool as well. However when playtesting this the offense always seemed to be able...
Congrads on getting your map into matchmaking! I had thought that because of the map author system map theft wouldn't be a problem, I guess it...
Well done! I like the attention to detail like the small crack in the crates you could snipe through. May I suggest CS_Militia for your next foray...
This map has a decent "gas station" that you might consider for inspiration: : Halo Reach : File Details
New Layout to my "City Streets:Classic" map. Notable Changes: *More Enclosed: - size reduced to a single square block - map is surrounded by...
1: Whats a good piece to make roads? I'd reccomend coliseum walls as the base ground work. And then use something to mark as curbs to define the...
I think I playtested this a bit, I thought it was a pretty nice layout with a sort of "urban" feel. Lots of different paths and rooms and a bit of...
awesome remake very accurate from what I could tell. You had a couple z fighting pieces though like the fake wall rooms =(. Haven't had a chance...
Tank (A) beating everything. All heavy vehicles (excepts for "cannons") have been taken out ( no mobile tank/wraith/falcon/banshee/gauss...
Original Thread here: I was unhappy with the...
I playtested this map a few times and thought it was a pretty fun invasion map. You get the feel of a sort of offshore assault from a naval ship,...
Hey thanks everyone for the replies and comments. I've been busy with work/ other games so I haven't gotten around to any kind of response yet,...