I played this in community slayer and it was really good. One thing I noticed was that there were a few soft-kill zones, one of which was at the...
Personally, I think this would be more suited in the aesthetic/casual maps section but who am I to judge. Everything has sooooo much detail, it...
Wow, I can't believe I haven't commented on this yet, I have to say based on your gameplay video that the map looks amazing. You were quite...
I love the aesthetics of the castle, the boat, etc. The one thing that feels out of place is the death-ray. There should be some more cover...
This looks very well forged, it's not just a bunch of platforms connected by bridges. I would DL it but since none of my friends like custom...
I just watched your video of the gameplay and I must say that the map appears to play very well, at times in the video it looked like the elites...
It happens on Hemorrhage as well, I've been the unfortunate victim of my ghost, revenant, even wraith randomly exploding and launching my...
I don't know if any of you remember the 'hallway ctf' gametype from H3 but it was usually a 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 with sniper spawns and flags at each...
Mind my ignorance but 10x Frag Grenade?? I can't remember where 10 frags would have been on Construct, I remember 2 at bottom gold but it escapes...
I watched your gameplay video on this map, as everyone else said the map looks GREAT, one thing I noticed in the video is near the end it looked...
Since H3 already had a map called Citadel, I'd consider changing the name.
Wow, looks like you've spent a lot of time on this, I love the killball area it gives an Indiana Jones escape type of feel. Excellent map.
Love the warehouse area with the 'pit' in the floor. The natural aesthetics truly shine through on this map as well though it does look like it...
One word, beautiful. Very unique buildings and structures combined with natural and artificial aesthetics make this map look and feel like a...
This map looks incredibly small, possibly for 2v2? Considering the power of AAs in Reach as well as grenades, I could see non-stop action on the map.
v1 updated and in fileshare. Pictures reflect changes to lighting as well as structural changes to keep jumps in tact.
Well, I'm in the process of reconstructing the entire map from the middle out. I realized how important jumps are and by recreating them, it adds...
Ooh, looks like I have some competition for Forgotten Treasures 2 =) This looks really good, I had a problem with space issues due to building in...
I do like the shield door ladder idea, I actually helped my friend with his map by using one-way shields instead of grav lifts. The good thing...
@ Dragull, I chose to have the FX on the map so it would look more like the original Citadel. Without the FX, it just looks like a bunch of blocks...