Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm not going to lie, hiding on Outsider compared to hiding on some maps in matchmaking is easier. Because...
I remember seeing this map a while ago with you. As far as inversely symmetrical maps go, this one was pretty unique, and I love unique maps....
Firstly, version 3 is out! Outsider is now compatible with all gametypes except for Invasion and Race, even Speedpile! Not much weapon changes...
The overall layout is interesting. I see that you've used a lot of upside down ramp bridges. XL ramps will accomplice the same thing that those...
Test games proved that whichever team had control of Top Yellow controlled the line of sight almost everywhere. And if they had Sniper too, they...
Thank you for the feedback! I'm most interested in how you think the spawns are working for the map, I feel like I got them just about right, but...
Wow no way I actually started to remake that map too... Oh well, great minds think alike, eh? I'll play on the trial version, this is...
Thanks to everyone who replied! I must say that I have rather forgotten about this map for a bit haha, so thanks for reviving it for me! It's my...
It is possible for that room to be camped, but it won't be. This is because Top Yellow has line of sight everywhere and an elevation advantage...
I love how it is adaptable depending on what type of game you want to play. Great job on this!
OUTSIDER Description: Outsider is an asymmetric map built in the Quarry area of Forge World, where Asylum, Atom, and Cliffside were all built....
That sketch that you have is more like a design blueprint. My map sketches are like scribbles and impossible to decipher unless your me ;)....
The Sniper Rifles could use less ammo but they didn't force players to camp during test games. Sometimes one team would get both Snipers, and...
This is my map Safeguard. It has gone through extensive testing for both Team Slayer and Team Snipers, and so far, no one has been spawned killed...
I remember playing on this for mere seconds, but it looked good then. I hope that the killzones inside the bottom bases have been removed lol....
I do not understand how this is like Narrows. The whole concept of Narrows is the idea that you have to move forward to gain line of sight, hence...
Great map, I'm just concerned that whoever gets the rockets also gets the overshield and then he's like invincible. I feel that the map is too...
Looks great, I really like where the Rocket Launcher is placed. I wish I was online more for testing and stuff, yet again I missed out >.<...
I made the thread late last night, so after school I'm going to add more information. @Marcass - Did you click on the spoiler? There are plenty...
[IMG] - Weapon List - - DMR x6 -10 - Needle Rifle x6 -30 - Plasma Repeater x1 -45 - Concussion Rifle x1 -60 (No spare clips) (drop spawn) -...