Yeah I keep updating it as I still have competition from two other remakes, Although I'm pretty darn sure my list of updates for v3 shows why this...
Well, I don't know what could be done to fix it if it does exist as the item count is allready very low there.. Ill take a look
In a custom game?, you sure? Thats a strange place for any to exist considering the item usage being very low there
Yeah I could look into that fencing idea for sure, I'll take a look at red shotgun flooring also... As is I still need people to play v2 and...
Thanks bro, Yeah true but what other items would possibly fit as a ramp from plat to sniper? :p
Alright guys v2 is up.. List of changes: *Dropped the item count 42 items!, Hopefully this will get rid of all and any lag. -Added Grids to...
Ive been making changes aswell for the last 2 days, but sure I'dd add you and take a look when I'm on tommorow, Its 3am for me right now so.. I'd...
Thanks man I really appreciate that and I probably would have if I didn't try so profusely just to get a map of mine on the mlg circuit, Iv'e...
The Range v3 (Pit Remake) Here we have a Pit remake made for the Team Classic Settings. The Map Is an accurate precise 1:1 scale of The Pit from...
I can if enough people would like that, but not until after the 21st, Im working on a spritual sucessor at the moment for the current mlg map...
I did that to accommodate for sprint. Your rock arch could use a little "smoothing" but nice build.
Never been a great fan of polls, Just because it's easy to ask friends to vote for you... Nice to see people still enjoy playing on my map tho,...
I rarely comment on maps over here but i must say i do like the design and feel of this map, The only con for me is the framerate loss, areas of...
I will take a look and plan any fixes needed for the next version, tho it was tested and i never was able to jump through any windows. (on default...
On the contrary, I have no grudges and my oppinions are most definately not unfounded: Noble creek has more aesthetical touches then half the...
Noble creek has both those aspects, more then any other "exact remake". Infact there is no remake that has blended those aesthetical aspects and...
If you still are not convinced by what i have tried to explain to you in the nicest way humanly posible, then that is a choice that is ultimately...
It's not set up for FFA, Never thought of it as an FFA, but i don't see why i cant fix all that for v6, Simple changes n all..
How are the cameras messed up? I'll look into it
Ok firstly, Grunt why didn't you ask me before you posted this thread? Not to mention youv'e done this all wrong.. You've posted this in the mlg...