Working on my computer, programming, reading/watching manga/anime, playing D&D (well technically I play Pathfinder but oh well), and possibly...
TCD is right that this should be in the Forge discussion section but this should help...
OK as the other day while playing Pathfinder with friends, an idea came to me for a map and game-type. OK so picture if you will a labyrinth style...
I will see if I can borrow Black Ops from a friend and if I can I will try to get the videos. I can't make any promises since I have only tried...
I don't picture z-fighting to be gone, since ultimately it is caused by the game wanting to render two or more object's texture in the same...
So did I when I first saw the title, but even tho its has nothing to do with the Beatles the map looks interesting based off of the picture (need...
I'm up for it but I won't be available until around 9pm eastern standard. GT: aod43254
If I get a chance I will try to take a look, but I still need to get at least 1 test for the TG done and I have no idea how much time I will have...
It was something posted on the Bungie homepage
I won't be directly affected either, I highly doubt that I will go up any ranks. I am more interested in the fact that the cap will be raised.
Ok, anyone have any guesses on when the cap will be highered? Personally I'm guessing before the end of the week. This is the challenge bar as of...
Oh ok, I wish I had recorded the episodes I had missed a few and became sorta lost and just gave up hoping to be able to buy/rent the DVDs only to...
Jex, I'm not saying that its wrong but to have that many onyx the guy had to no life it. I like getting commendations too, but I think its just...
Its quite simple actually the guy no lifed and just as was stated earlier he got nothing out of it. Commendations dont give enough of a credit...
I use to love Doom, the moment I saw the thread name I was immediately interested. I am definantly going to add to download queue and get next...
Wow, nice lists both of you. Rook, first your avater basicly announces that you like ghost in the shell, and second how are you watching Monster?...
Mine would have to be my first perfection in Reach, team doubles on sword base we went 26-0 (Partner ran in front of one of my stickys and got...
I actually like Arena, its the only place to play team doubles outside customs, I don't think they need to remove any of the playlists but they...
Ever since Dragon Ball: Evolution I have felt the same thing, It has the possibility to be great but that is provided they don't try to make...
Neo, have you heard Fox is supposedly working on a Cowboy Bebop live action movie, with Keanu Reeves as Spike?