this map looks really run, I like the idea of having a little time to pick your holdout spot and also the gun store is a nice touch. blocking the...
arg why don't people look at other posts to see what they need to be doing? read the rules, I know I'm rather new too but c'mon I got it on the...
looks cool I'll DL it when I get on later, of all the maps I've seen that tried the underwater environments yours seems the most functional, lower...
looks cool, I have always wanted to forge in that location send me an invite my GT is Montressor id like to play in it.
I know that you mentioned it in your posts, but your pics aren't up to forge hub standards all I see is terrain and a wall give us a top down of...
i like what you have done here, the idea of making a practical nuclear power plant is really neat, I like that you did you HW on how they...
thanks for the advice, I was just thinking last night that I should do something up higher in the level like a gravity lift that takes you to a...
nice map i played it with 5 free for all, and its really solid, plus i liked the cube movies
I really like this map, thanks for making it!
hey, Im down to test some maps tonight I have a pretty good group of guys (spare one or two) that join most of my games, plus I just made a map...
you need to post photos of your map if you want people to get interested.
Hey I really like your map design, I like how you used a lot of the forge worlds natural build and incorporated it into your map. I get so tired...
I like your map from the pics, I noticed you turned the round bunker from blood gulch upside down so you would have the hole in the floor, I had...
thanks for the advice! I have heard the cover comment a lot which is why I chose to add the portions with rock cover but its hard to find the...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] This is an enclosed night map using the canyon portion of the forge world. it is a really fun map for CTF juggernaut...