Gamertag: the noob squad Times you can get on: Perth Aus, weekends mostly at night so daytime US Mic yes/no?: Yeah, who doesn't Something...
For People who want People to Forge with or Test out Maps This is networking forum I created for people to commingle! If you would like to find...
From what I can imagine the map will become it seems pretty good. The main concern I have is that it is extremely hard to make a covie ship let...
Have you considered a purple filter. It will make it look like night time...?
Good job. Everything here is up to standards most people stuff up their first post. You have done a pretty accurate recreation of the map and I...
This is very beautifully crafted, especially with the filters. The biggest way to improve it though is by adding a second story. I personally...
I've started another project this one will be up for DL shortly after beta testing with Sikph. Just another map to add to the Reach Outpost...
Very smart I was wandering how you did that. Great job there with the lights. I dl it and the rendering was almost perfect. Great design, but you...
Hey Skiph, you've done an amazing job. It's very hard to design the inside of the ship, especially because the outside limits you with odd nooks...
Ghost merging, sounds interesting. Hey just checking to see your map man need help just ask. Remember same set up lol. Noob
what is the opaque wall trick
no tut yet It's very hard to explain over this just a lot of phasing and a lot of sequencing. I would post a video Tut but I don't have a...
V0.95 RO.152.RS This is my new map, RO.152.RS Reach Outpost 152 Reconnaissance Station which goes with RO.153.WDB (Weapons Deployment Base upload...