The two on the left side can drive along a cleared path to the right side. All of them can move EXCEPT for the tank that sits above the Falcon (as...
I was worried about that, but I chose them since they provided the best possible cover with the greatest amount of variation. My explanation is...
Crimson Core An Invasion map with destructive qualities... CRIMSON CORE is a map that I made over the past 3 days. I've spent about 10-15 hours...
CS, I'll help you get there. I'll tell my buddies about it, promote it in groups, etc. Everything you do is brilliant and deserves to be noticed!
Thanks man. I played it this weekend and it still seems new every time. Very, very fun with Cops and Robbers.
You finished it?! Wow man, very creative! I was pumped when you told me about the idea, now I'm even more pumped! Can't wait to try it!!!
This map has gotten over 1300 downloads! Thanks guys!
Thanks man!!
Hehe thanks. NOTICE: If you could pst in the B.Net forum as well to help this get noticed, I would be so thankful.
Thanks, mate!
I made it without cover for a reason. It another reason why staying in the main room is a tough choice. On the roof, you'll have a safer area,...
ANNOUNCEMENT: v2 of Uber Tube is in the works. More, if not all gametypes will be supported. More info will be revealed soon. It's unique in the...
Aye. I have working on a video. I made it, now they're capturing it. It's a tour during a game I played (full room, I believe). It...
New Action Shots have been added! These are shots that were taken from a 16-player match that was brilliantly fun! Many were considering it "the...
After one minute, a mancannon spawns and clears the barriers out of the way for Unlock One. After two minutes, stairs spawn that allow access to...
DOWNLOAD HERE! Uber Tube is a zombie map that unlocks itself over time. Stratagy is a key component in this map, as certain areas have their...
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! Im not gonna's a freaking blast! Stumbling around the bar...
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! Two new screenshots were added featuring awesome Recon Armor! Check...
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! Thanks for the comments guys! If anyone here could post in the
I tried making a SINKING Titanic and it turned out, eh...a little more messed up than I had wished. Now, Im wanting to make a map of the last...