Vertichron 34 serves 2 purposes: Confuse the **** out of players new to the game or new to the map in general, and serves as a battleground for...
The direction you face while coming out of a teleporter depends on what direction you face while going into it. Even it it werent this way you...
This is the second favorite map (next to Vertichron 34) of my friends and I to play customs on. In a simple 6 person FFA, even after extensive...
I posted this in Competitive maps already but asthetics are what fuel this little monster... Although it is not really the most artistic...
DOWNLOAD: [IMG] Updated: Rocks in the pools (oblique angles to...
I think this map was a good attempt at the disorient style map. As i said earlier, Check out Vertichron 34 and also Geometric V2
I started to encounter framerate issues when looking down the length of the map so i tried to use as little objects as possible yet still make the...
[IMG] Rock pond [IMG] Block pond [IMG] Check the above sign for arrivals and departures [IMG] 9&3/4 isn't 1/2 this good... "The Covenant...
Since the ground floor is the bigest playable area in a map that is fairly small from an aerial view I feel that the ground floor need as much...
Has my download. My only concern is that some of the longer lines of sight may have too many objects on screen at once and may cause a reduced...
Thank you. This map is most similar to Derelict, save for the middle "platform" is its own level above the second level. I loved Derelict from...
Part of me wants to do a map with a combination of 15, 30, and 45 degree angles to really mess with people but I need to plan something out in my...
Also, thanks to ToastMan for the park bench idea!
NEW VERSION AVAILIABLE!!!!!! DOWNLOAD HERE: : Halo Reach : File Details [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] New Alexandria City...
Wow, this map has only 2 downloads. It looks pretty good...
The hardest part was coming up with a layout for 2 rooms (since one is a replica of another) that flowed. meaning the pieces met up and there...
This is why I reccomend that most people try this map in a custom game for the full disorientation effect (even though this is definately a small...
Yeah, this map defiantely plays well as a 2v2 where as mine plays teams of 2 but even better, teams of 4 or more. Ours are definately the best 2...
I expected this map to be disorienting but once you get some elevation it really isn't. If the sight lines were shorter it would be more...