Join the Cadet X Army! -Custom game nights! -Live Stream events -Get yourself featured on the official Cadet X channel -Be a part of an awesome...
Hey guys! It's been awhile but here's an awesome video on how to get Req Packs so you're ready when the game comes out! Make sure to like a...
I'm looking to put up a new youtube channel with someone. I would like to create some new original maps with a partner, as well as displaying...
I'm a pretty experienced forger, and was wondering if anyone was interested in forging a AMC themed Walking dead map. Pretty open to ideas, just...
Does anyone want to make a "premake" of the Halo 4 map complex? It's one of the few maps I havent seen mad yet. If interestd add me on xbl...
Positions have been filled*
I'm lookin for someone to run a Halo 4 Youtube channel with me. I have one started already but I'm willing to start a new one. We'll be doing...
Gamertag: MSchnelkz17 Times you can get on: anytime after 6-7 p.m. Mic yes/no?: Yeap Something describing yourself: I'm 17 I've been forging...
yea i got it, i guess i can just give em crappy gun. Uhm does anyone wana help me with this map? I need help with the aesthetic of the map.
Is there a way to make the only way a person can get points is if they stick someone? Please help me ASAP
Okay not to bash on other sites, but why would people go to Xforgery? I'm looking for a real answer? I was like goon register for their site as...
try to do a map that incorporates the falcon. I've seen almost no GOOD games with a falcon in them
Hey guys i was wanting to put together a forge team. Basically i want from 4-7 members. We can all work on maps collectively and help each other...
Hey I've started a sky castle map, i remember playing them back in halo 3 so i was wondering if anyone wanted to help? If so pm me on here or add...
opticfr0stt yea ill have a job, maybe pilot or something including transpiration for people or maybe construction worker and build houses....
Hey I'm looking for someone to forge with, im 15 and love forging. I have a capture card so i can make videos of the maps we make. I love making...
Gamertag: opticFR0STT Times you can get on: mainly 4-8 p.m. eastern time Mic yes/no?: yes! Tb X11 Something describing yourself: I'm extremily...
id help, im working on a map ive been fixing for like 3 weeks now, i need some help to i figuer we could help eachother? my username is my GT
Also i love the DMR wayyy beter then the assualt rifle but the assualt riffle should be the main gun of more gametypes.... using the DMR should be...
Hey i almost finished a map but does anyone wana help me with a small section of it pleaseee?