Team Ninja Chronicles Neos Ninja(Neos Ninja) Frozen Ninja X Ninja Sniper911 Delta 586
Final Exam Study Guide Made by Henry McKinney 6th period Chemistry Fill-in The Blank 1) Electrons free to move around throughout a material is...
Kirby Rocks!!!
...This map is fun!!!!! Is there burned pie on this map?
I was making a comedy/action type Machinima but i needed capture card Don't use bad comments against me... My friend made it and he paid me to put it here. If you want to comment, do it...
We need a unlimited amount of map spaces or until we have no space on hard drive!!
[Neos] 4296-2665-6110
I have it. My best Character is Kirby. I have beaten Subspace Emissary. 88% And... the worst part... is when pikachu was tortured in the Pika...
Re: Grifball Tournament This is my own little tournament cuz i'm bored...
We are Team Ninja!!! We don't hide the whole game!!! We hide and sneak up on opponents and get ourselves killed!!! And we Usually win! But right...
I am already in a Team. It is called Team Ninja. And i am the Leader!
Rat Race is where i discovered that when ever you throw a grenade in Halo CE your feet stop moving while your runing!
yes the map editor will rock in this game!
I planned on Naming myself Ninja Kid... but that was taken... so I was thinking of Neos Ninja then that's how it happened
I need to battle some challenging people. Preferably 3- man teams ( and elites ) Just Contact one of us in a PM. Team Ninja Members Leader- Neos...
I am going to start with Pikachu. he just rocks. He Haz Volt Tackle!
7 days!! I am the Master of pokemon!!!