So I've been bored and took some screenshots I have two which I find to be my favorite. One is another one of my silhouette screenshots and the...
If you want I will take a sharpie to my desktop screen, trace it and take a picture of it. There must be an easier, slightly more erasable way to...
Nice screenshots dude. Really I think Bungie or 343 (well whoever's in charge) should get you a special nameplate just cause Bungie middle...
Now not to sound like a **** or anything however I just HATE the look of raised weapons in screenshots. You can put down your weapon by holding...
I only have one problem with this map and it's shown right in the video. A few times the body fell short but the pistol and grenades kept their...
One day I got bored on Halo so I decided to make a screenshot. I played on Condemned for a bit and got this: [IMG] Tell me what you guys...
I would have like to do it if the screenshot wasn't on firefight which is one problem. And the effect was pretty simple on Overlook through a...
Yesterday me and a friend were messing around with some screenshot effects (the same one used in my screenshot Impulse) and made Inferno. I think...
I think people will think I'm right then read over this post and realize you're right. Also make sure your posts have more then one sentence or...
Lol that's kind of close... not really with the effects though. But Apollo said he was gonna give out a full guide to the effect on Bungie Day!
lol it's funny because he corrected it and whenever someone looks at it they'll think you're retarded. ACTUALLY ABOUT THE SCREENSHOT I'v...
Nice screenshots! Nice use of the rule of thirds. I only have a problem with Tiger Claw and Sparkles. You might wanna try lightening them up a...
You know what? Were just gonna restart this conversation. I took two pictures using the mise-en-scene effect with 2 different models and colors of...
Not the pictures in this thread they're in a different thread... lol?
I didn't use an explosion, I used a kill ball, with some effects of course. I'm not really good so I'll tell you guys this effect too. Go onto...
Sorry I've been neglecting this post for awhile but the map for the second one is on Overlook, yes the firefight map. What you need to do to...
I took all of these pictures in game. They're pretty easy do do! If you want I can tell you guys how to do the effect.
I'm back with two shots. One was an experimental screenshot and the other was just a normal screenshot. Here's my experimental shot: [spoiler]...
It was taken on the level Nightfall at the part where you fight off the two hunters. And thanks for the download!
This my next screenshot Dead Nights of Reach I've had a few friends download it as their desktop background. Feel free to tell me what you guys...