^ What he said. Except then it isn't really one flag and the ball is throwable.
One flag is not possible in Halo 4. Sorry :(
You can still get falling objects. You go about it in the same way as Halo 3. Step 1) Place a structure piece high up in the air. Set this to...
Nah, you have to be on a team in Forge. You can change what team though.
Thanks for the responses. I think I'll just leave it at two flag for the moment. Hopefully they add the ability to post screenshots to the web...
I have maxed out my budget on impact using almost entirely Station pieces and haven't had this issue. Strange.
Pretty self explanatory really. I've made a CTF map that would work really well if I could get a neutral flag to spawn however I don't seem to...
Well I'm definitely not going to use a camera.
That's what I thought. Thanks very much for the help. Looks like I'll have to wait awhile to post a map preview.
Sorry if this is a noob question, but I can't seem to find how to access the screenshots that I have taken in Halo 4. Is this me just being an...
Hey, On my race map I have a flag point (or whatever you call it) set to race_spawn. Im not sure if this will do anything but it might be...