gargoyle toy???
looks like it could also be a good infection map. so you should deffinitely set up spawns to work for it.
the curved structure is sweet. the only things that i think you should adjust is make another cool base. you have that one and then just...
yeah i agree with te other person, i could see why u would want the mongoose maybe cause it would go better with the draw bridge but think about...
yeah i'm friends with windburry and i know for a fact that he built this map off a foundry canvas. i know he did because while he was making the...
i need help. to be completely honest i am in the middle of the map and i dont have the time. tons of people want another maze out of me while...
if someone can supply pictures that dont give away the map or any of the sections please tell me=]
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yo please add my mazes. to your website. follow this link
real fun! nice idea, i can now see why you want there to be flags because with only three balls its not fair to everyone else
send me a friend request and ill try to help you work it out
if youre saying what i think your saying i could help you. its actually very simple to do.
my gamertag is: xZonKeD add me and i will be glad to join up.
Has there been anybody that has been able to find an unlimited item glitch for forge. I ran out of boxes for my map that i'm working on. :(
Ayo, im xZonKeD a 13 year old halo 3 player. I've only been following halo for about a year now and the only reason i ever even knew about this...