Jetpackers use it a lot as a sniping spot, but it is very exposed to ranged weapons, usually resulting in them getting killed by the opposing...
the lack of space-zombies also made a big difference. i miss those gigantic flood vs. covenant battles in CE, and the sheer sense of loneliness...
this looks like it's pretty balanced for a Fat Kid map, shockingly. power weapons are scarce, and there is a secret passage for the fat kid to...
Hockey is pretty amusing, just because most of the time everyone else is trying to have a massive assassination ****, allowing you to score easy...
For the forge pieces: -Lower-polygon building blocks with simplistic textures- but multiple variants of these. -Simplistic, triangular building...
I like how you managed to create a massive, complex, and aesthetically pleasing map without it suffering any framerate issues. now im really...
this is amazing although i cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the ghost across
Target Designator- A sexy wrist mounted laser pointer that creates waypoints Mechanics: Allows you to mark a player, structure, or small region...
As long as I get a completely flat, empty expanse to forge BTB-sized maps in, I would be happy with anything. I like that kill zone idea though.
You could add a large portion of the rooms together and separate them with fake walls or shield doors or something. like the image below, only...
That wraith battle after the last gun was pretty damn frustrating, just because the Revenant is so useless. Might be worth it to try jacking the...
yup, got everything besides the visor. id be happy to help.
Would the gold visor really matter that much for the Demoman if you are using the GUNGNIR helmet?
Snipers on Pinnacle Snipers on Breakpoint as Red Team BTB Headhunter on anything Not that I dislike headhunter, it's just terrible on gigantic...
I would have been surprised if they had decided to include a full forge palette. Despite being quite large, the map has very rough, uneven...
probably because the region is so asymmetrical and terrain-heavy, with lots of hills and static objects such as trees and rock clusters. most...
that looks pretty sexy. are those circular structures in the middle supposed to be generators/reactors? they remind me a bit of the ones from Halo...
i like this idea. The simplicity of human architecture (compared to forerunner-style stuff) would allow the designers to reduce poly count for...
I'll be up for testing any evening from tomorrow onward. By the way, what did you put in place of the Brute Choppers?
I don't understand why people always have to use assassinations, especially in team games. I know it boosts commendations, but if you are fighting...