just thought i'd let u know that i used this map for my halo party i hosted last weekend. had some epic swat games. great feedback from my...
EMERALD by tuba reunion
checked out your band tuba... i'm definitely buying your new album. you said you'll be on iTunes right? when does it come out?
Here, I helped make this map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details let me know what you think.
yeah it's a good use of colos' windows in that main room. sweet lights too. not to mention the unique layout...
i have an idea you should have a 2v2 version of the map, where the red and blue tunnels are blocked off. so the assembly room is the only space...
beautiful map tuba. Emerald is my favorite of your 3. This map is AWESOME for swat. 2x2 or 4x4. although it's so compact, it's so dynamic. It's an...
played a 25 minute CTF on this map.... intense. nice map. good forging. i liked your other better though.
sweeeeet map. me and 5 of my budies reviewed it and loved it for stockpile, ctf, and swat. Had awesome balance, and a good environment. Could have...