Yeah but 2 flaws: -That is only 1 type of piece on the entire map, still takes a long time -When you select multiple objects and open the menu...
No dice on grouping, they still seem to spaz out just as frequently. Ive just been using the select all of thing and turning off light mapping...
Is there any way I can safely mass select objects to turn off light baking? Every time I select a bunch and then open up the object menu all the...
I do believe that was the Xbox version because I think some of those were Xzamplez' maps
Spent a couple more hours catching up instead of doing my homework, so I'm back on track! :) That hardly looks MML worthy That Vex aesthetic is...
Spent several hours forging, finished a map, got kicked out of halo before saving. gg 343
"I have put a ridiculous amount of time and thought into this map. I'm not saying this to brag, but to warn everyone that I might throw a...
I think I played one game on this map and it was the most fun I've ever had playing flag.. the sniper towers were too easy to hold but the lobby...
Showdown is awesome, played it a lot last time I got into Pokemon. I would certainly play Pokemon of they came out with another original game...
pieces almost always shift when you save and reload a map, it has always been that way. The old way to fix it was to just keep adjusting them back...
Remade Ambiance from Halo: Reach that I forged and rusty eagle designed. It's an asymmetric 2v2 map, I thought it played KotH really well. I...
Pretty cool concept, it's like assassins creed online.. Are zombies supposed to just rip you from your hiding spot and sword you? It looked like...
okay so I've had this idea since Halo 3 but mechanics in Reach and Halo 4 made it impossible: I want a sender node that has ~3 possible receiver...
Yeah I don't think last night was an official test night, what was said in the lobby might be all you're going to get unless you directly ask lol
This is a problem I run into from time to time (trying to figure out how to make an area make sense but not be too simple) and it usually stems...
Are testing lobby times going to be announced here, or are they more unofficial? I'd like to know to be a part of them.
Curious, what are the differences between Progression and the regular game type? It seems like progression should be a map style, unrelated to...
I think it looks pretty cool aside from the fact that the kill times look potentially too quick vs other 'heroes' for my taste.
The bases look pretty cool and complex, but the rest looks kind of simple and linear. Maybe you could make the side walkways into structures...
I can't see the images :(