yeah i was being sarcastic, because i got like 3 infractions in one week, when in fact i did not break any rules. really obnoxious... i hope they...
watched the video. I've been waiting for a map like this dude. well done. I wish Bungie would put more user-made maps like this, because most of...
the soft zones were sort of an experiement. mainly because I hate campers... and that spot in particular would be prevalent for SWAT camping. But...
there is now an updated version without bugs in my files.
this is by far the best vessel map I've played on so far. i attempted to make an aircraft carrier level with an upper deck, control tower, and...
too bad you can't spawn lions... sick map though. this would be a sweet CTF map or sword FFA
beautifully and wonderfully made. you should enter this into a comp dude. very enjoyable to play, and that's the main thing. not to mention the...
woa dude. this map is looks freaking gorgeous. i'll be trying out this one for tomorrow's halo party with my friends. i'll let ya know what i think.
thanks juke. you're right, i utilized those dead ends as spawn points, but they were improvised to say the least. of course there's those times...
hey i appreciate you're critique... very thorough you are. [yoda]. i was definitely desiring a second entrance to the chamber too. i thought about...
thanks. i just entered in in the competition! :)
Dude! i'm so glad you caught that. I have a nice method for duplicating halo 2 maps by splitting my screen (half 360, half old xbox). I saw...
ahh crap. could have sworn i debugged it. so there's playable area with softkill on the circular ramp by red base?
thanks xHITx, i still haven't worked with Celic on the proposed gemstone map pack, but i added him and when i get some free time we'll work on it.
he's expressing his freedom as an American citizen?
awesome idea. about to DL. make sure you change your thumbnail image though. I learned the hard way that thumbs must be unaltered screenshots of...
i appreciate it guys. don't forget to link me to any maps you make. I love testing and reviewing, not to mention playing :)
here are some highly competitive maps made by bungie with secret spots. Ascension (rocket spawn), Sword Base (high vent), Epitaph (support...
by the looks of it, i'm remind of a forerunner version of Halo 2's Gemini. can't wait to go through it. probably get around doing it tomorrow...
duuuude. i'm so down. let me DL yours. go ahead and add me on xbl.