I can help too, if you want. I have video and audio editors, so that can be useful. Also, if you can't get the grav lifts to take you up all three...
Hey, I can't go on Xbox today because I'm going to get some sleep in a little bit, but if you wanna forge tomorrow or something, my gamertag is...
Nice map, I love the feel of it, you really captured the idea. It kinda reminds me of Portal, as in the second one, it was all run down, and...
Nice track, I like the aesthetics, the stunts, and the twists. Keep up tracks like this!
Nice!!! I just raced through it once, and I gotta say, it was really good. There were a few annoying moments (Which I'll get to in a minute), but...
I'd love to help test your map. Infection is my favorite gametype, so that works out, haha. My GT is Darknessdays6, send me an invite or something...
What i thought I would agree with the guy above. this looks insanely fun, and is a good remake. It needs some new features though, after all,...
also, i think im gonna get on live right now. if you wanna build something, or get a custom game going, etc,shoot me a FR on live. my gt is...
i think that the use of the zipline is cool, and that the bridge is designed well, although the grav lifts look a little odd to me. i would...
lol i know, i was just telling him in advance. i sent a message to one of the mods though, so if he doesnt add stuff, then the thread wll be...
first of all, you have the requirements a bit wrong. these are the requirements: - at least 1 embedded picture or video of your map (preferably...
this seems cool, although the pics arent working for me, and i would agree, it seems like colo walls would ruin the feel. i would suggest using...
rhe video isnt working, and you should make a better description.
HELL YAH!!! lol but really, on to the map. the structures look good, but i dont really like the sand areas. i would suggest that you spice it up...
from what i see, this map looks BOSS. although A), i would agree on the weapon list and overview, B) sugar is right on the shield doors, they...
im not trying to insult your map, but it looks like it needs WAY more cover. what i like though is that you made little buildings away from the...
this looks like a lot of hectic fun, like shadowsnip3r saiid. the track looks great, and i love the rock arches, they fit in great. you should...
why cant i view the brackets? it says i dont have permission, and i signed up and everything before signups ended. in fact, i did it 2 weeks in...
Your post is not up to standards. You need: -At least 1 picture or video of the map -A well written description of the map (Dont say its amazing,...
This looks REALLY good for your first map, and the post is up to standards. You have just earned my respect. Lol but really this looks great. You...