aw..... I was looking forward to a more southpark style one....
it looks pretty good from what I've seen, and I'll gladly help play-test. My GT is SUPER BARRAK
i like the idea of spawning maybe a fourth to a third of the elites in a "prison" and having them fight spartans to open a door leading towards a...
agreed, Bungie could have done a LOT more with the space that the island gives. I was looking more for names of maps that did do it, I honestly...
Anyone else forged paradiso, it seems like a great place to build maps but nobody trys......
looks awesome, I'll definitely be trying this one out soon.
its cool, but is an idea that seems overdone in halo forge. why not add some more components and make it for invasion too?
awesome map, that looks way to complicated for me to build. If you want a beta-tester though, send me a message my GT is SUPER BARRACK