Love the way this map looks, I'll DL it and have a look at gameplay tonight or tomorrow and let you know how it works out.
Alright, so finally I give to you: Retribution. [IMG] I've been working on this map for several weeks, and though I'm not completely...
Wow, this is a quality map. I'm thorougly impressed with how it looks, very reminiscent of Lockout and The Cage kind of mixed together. It's got...
I like the look of this map, and I agree that the corners do look a little bare. I'll DL it when I get home and will be sure to tell you what I think.
One of my favorite maps in Halo CE! OMGOMG! DLed and I'm soo playing this tonight.
Love the idea here, the central covered area is brilliant. I may end up adding more cover to the central section when I DL it, but all the cred is...
Very Valhalla-esque. It's got my DL, I'm excited to give it a test.
Alright, so unlike your other map, I feel like this one has much more cover, LOS are restricted, and it has great vertical gameplay, which is...
Gahhhhh...*mouth drops open* quite the forging skill I must say, but if you maxed your credit allowance, then this map isn't going to be any good...
OMG I love this idea, especially considering the Star Wars implementation :D Totally needs Invasion, though, that'll be the killer.
Is Wheels' gametype compatible with this map? I'd rather not download two separate gametypes if at all possible. And you guys have got me thinking...
Ok, I'm going to have to give this a DL and check this out for myself. I'll get back to you.
Hahahaha, plinko! Awesome idea man. I'm going to give this a DL and mess around with it for quite a while :P
It's an awesome idea...though I'm not sure what exactly is going on. Do you mind explaining it a little better?
Oh my God I love you! The complexity of what you did on the scoring and ball return system is insane! Love it love it love it! Do you mind if I...
So I can imagine that this would get pretty hectic (can you imagine it with 16 players?!?), and would make one heck of a party game. Is the effect...
Can you say AWESOME! Loved this map in Halo 3, love it now ever more in Reach. Thanks for the awesome remake! I'd love to see more high-quality...
It's fitting that my first post would be in reply to a map. An awesome one at that as well. The asthetics are stunning, and from how it appears...