Blow his mind up. Easy.
I thought this looked interesting until I saw the scorpion tank. Surely that's an instant gameover for the chief. You don't have to be a pro to...
This looks fantastic. Definately going to try this with a few friends and get you a response on gameplay pronto. This is how all minigames should...
Finally got an 8 player game of this going yesterday and the results were good. First game was a bit awkward because a lot of the players were...
Is there anything that sets this apart from the other Toilet remake? Besides the way it's been visually put together....
I completely understand. I figured your reasons may be along those lines. You have a difficult task ahead of you that I imagine will split...
It's amazing how something so simple can look so tempting to play. Damn you.
Will try it tonight or tomorrow, looks like you covered everything. I think personally I'd take off the 15 second win thing. Half the fun for me...
I like how you've presented this gamemode, it actually compelled me to keep reading and see how it worked. Unlike a lot of other submissions where...
I enjoyed playing this with a couple of friends and I have just two things that bothered me. Firstly, ammo. Wouldn't it be better to leave it on...
We played this with 16 players the other day. There was a bit of lag but overall everybody loved it. It often takes a couple of rounds for...
You think along the same lines I did with my my frigate map. Mine originally had a pair of Scorpions, 2 warthogs and a falcon. I soon discovered...
I tried to make it clear that being disrespectful was not my intention. I was merely offering an alternative, because I noticed several people on...
[IMG] GODHAMMER It's essentially Infection reversed, combined with SWAT and high speed melee. I've been keeping an eye on Reach's minigame...
I've played this a lot more since my last post and with other people. I think memaw and firewolf both make good points. A shield door and more...
Sounds like an interesting map, but it seems the most crucial picture of the hill is missing. Could also do with a video if you can provide one....
Since you can't have infinite grenades like in Halo 3, how have you handled that? Are there lots of grenades on the floor around the map?
Will do. I completely forgot to reply to this when I first read it. I should be around tonight if I don't work too late, if not tomorrow. Will add...
I used to play this on DoD and I hated it because it was so simple and flawed. But popular things are popular for some reason or another. Can you...
Looks very clean and well made. I like the use of the XXL platforms on top of themselves. This map reminds me of the gas platforms in Star Wars,...