Your download now link is broken. I'm able to find the file on your fileshare, but the link from here needs to go directly to the map file.
You should post more pictures - it looks nice, but I can't get a feel for the full layout
Very nice (from the pics and video). I worry about the openness of the large inner space but we'll see how it plays at our next big game.
DL'ing this tonight. I was working on a carnival as well. We had some similar elements, but I love the action of the test your strength. Love...
I DL'd and ran around this map a few nights ago. I like the layout and look. My only problem was some of your weapons are fixed instead of...
Clearly you had more fun with your legos than I did lol. Very good forging, does it play well or is it just for visual fun?
The map is pretty, I may DL, but are all the combat limited to the deck, or do you have rooms or walkways below?
I ran through this last night to check it out. There was some flashing on the floor in a couple of areas (one near a ramp if that helps you track...
I just grabbed this and ran around to check it out. I love the layout and visuals. Something about the feel made me expect the two ends to be...
FPS I was excited to have such a good looking guardian remake, but the FPS is a deal-breaker. I've only been forging a little now, but from what...