If only there was a way to do this with walls/building blocks then it would be a dream :)
I go for 10 :) my no scoping needs a lot of work but im generally pretty good at everything else :P
Thanks for the help ^.- whoever came up with it certaintly should be proud of it and the description here is enough to make it and again, Thanks :)
looks like a great remake looks a lot cleaner than the BA i got atm, might even take a stab at recreating some maps myself sometime soon :) can't...
I was wondering how did you do the shield door ladder? its a awesome feature :) All round amazing remake, cant fault it anywhere ^.- Might start...
I still play my Pokemon Red 151/151 with over 750 hours playtime ^.-
How ye be? Just thought I would come and say aye to everyone ok stopping with the pirate talk now isn't really working xD Hey I'm James, been...