Not entirely sure what you mean about the camping on the bridges near the man cannons, especially seeing as you've only come to this decision from...
Terminal velocity I'd guess, you do go through the lower (large) one but it slows you down enough to not cause any harm!!!
The Cradle. Multi-leveled, Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball map. With an even balance of weapons and fun. 2 - 16 players. Built in a cave near...
Lol, No not guilty of that, I think its just a name that everyone who remembers 'the pit' will know. I never did any forge in halo 3, it was too...
I made it symmetrical on all four walls rotated through 90 degrees each time. The ground floor has the sword room and has two ways in. Rocket...
Dementis Domus - Mad House Full, re-released update of a previous, slayer only map. A nice, tight, almost symmetrical map with not overly...
I see what your saying but what isn't shown in the picture are the red and blue bases, one is out of shot to the right and the other is obscured...
Falcon Hanger. Falcon storage hanger and command centre. Enclosed in the hanger area on forgeworld, this map is set over 4 levels - ground...
This is superb, I downloaded other 'alleged' Narrows remakes only to be disappointed, but this has restored my faith in forging... Finally my...
Labyrinth Pure symmetry... ...well almost. Built inside the Hanger on Forgeworld, this Tight map is suitable for 2 to 8 players. It is set up...
Dementis Domus - Mad House A place for the insane featuring "The Sword Room" from Halo 3's "The Pit". For 2 to 8 players, Teams or Free for...