For anyone following this map: I have updated this map to v3.0 with the ball settings and improved some aesthetics on bottom-mid, but I'm waiting...
32x32x32 blocks and 32x32x48 blocks are very glitched. Not only did they move by 10 nudges after the update, but they also look black on indoor...
Breakout's shield barriers won't work, because you can't go through them, unless you know something I don't, but I've tried everything. The shield...
Sorry, my OCD got the best of me this morning. I re-sized the bottom base windows on both sides of the map to further resemble the POV of the...
Larry Tanng updated ACCURSED 9 with a new update entry: Updated to v1.2 - re-sized bottom base windows Read the rest of this update entry...
I hope this is the right place for this, but how do I change thumbnail picture of the map I posted? It used the first picture that I uploaded as...
All of the glass color in the map was changed from default to Murky Green for a clearer look and to near-perfectly match the original Anchor 9's...
Larry Tanng updated ACCURSED 9 with a new update entry: Updated to v1.1 - Changed all glass color and added window sills. Read the rest of this...
Good call man. Someone else mentioned changing the glass color too. I ended up choosing murky green, very similar to black, nice and clear, but...
Thanks! Yea, 343i said they will be supporting free updates to H5 Forge. I'm really hoping they add trait zones and shield doors, so I can finally...
Can't be done without trait zones. I had to work with what 343i gave us in this forge. Hopefully we'll get trait zones in the future. I looked...
I finished my Anchor 9 remake named "Accursed 9" and here's the ForgeHub link:
Larry Tanng submitted a new map: Accursed 9 - A faithful remake of Anchor 9 from Halo Reach, by Larry Tanng Here's a faithful remake of Anchor 9...
[MEDIA] *UPDATED to v4.0* Map now meets 343i's map requirements, and new aesthetics have been added! NOTE: Pictures and video are of v4.0. If...
My internet went out and when it came back on, trying to load my map only resulted in a forever "retrieving data" loop. I was really freaking out,...
I'm making a map on Parallax right now. I haven't tried the fog thing as stated above yet, but what I did do was turn the filter to Nova and made...
I'd like to point out that for forgers like me, center-of-mass rotation should be the only option for all forge objects. This is goddly important...
I've learned that you can set Named Location Volumes (NLVs) inside of other bigger NLVs. For example, my Asymmetrical map has 2 main sides; Red vs...