thank you ryan for your support. hope you enjoyed it. and im pretty sure all of those problems have been fixed on my newer version. i have...
Quote: Originally Posted by CrimsonV [IMG] I am liking this remake just by the screenshots. Good job!...
though i have finished my 3.5 remake with both sides very accurate. but i agree it is very hard to do. good job though
Very nice. Haven't downloaded yet but am going to. I love when people do remake of this map and I like the satellite in the middle. Nice touch....
wow sweet job. this is only like the third remake of this other than mine and used man's. i love seein peoples ideahs and remakes of this since it...
thankyou WWWilliam, i have taken your requests and everyone elses and updated it. there is now a BETA 3.5 in my fileshare. tell your thoughts. i...
thankyou kindly Skisma, conserning AA's, they play very very well on this map! it is fun to see how these AA's play out on all these remakes from...
juggernaut, I have seen hundreds of forged maps on here and your is the first one i absolutely love. usually i am very pessimistic about forgers...
I am glad you enjoy it lightsout. and thankyou for all of your good feedback. we should forge together or get some custom games going on this map....
dulden, thank you for the great response. I have remade this map about six times now. the rocks... well there are alot of rocks in different...
Last resort Map Name: (LAST RESORT) Map you remade: Last Resort Number of players:02-16 Gametypes: One Flag, One Bomb, Infection Thread [IMG]
i have recreated an accurate red base on my last resort map including the garage as you requested on a previouse post. if you care to check it...
im glad you made the rooms like the original for infection. finally! :]
(This has been posted as a reply to you on my thread) Thanks dulden, you saying the rocks dont look very natural is very vague, what rocks...
Thanks dulden, you saying the rocks dont look very natural is very vague, what rocks exactly? also keep in mid that this version is mainly set up...
YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge Map Remake Last Resort/Zazibar Version 3.0 MORE EDITS HAVE JUST BEEN MADE: EVERY REQUEST HAS BEEN MET. 3.5...
unfortunately yes it is missing that. i have not been able to make a way with the budget to add that in yet. i need more forging advice. otherwise...
thanks facts. yes the other maps is mine too. hope you enjoy it. there are three versions by the way. the wheel keeps getting torn down haha....
thankyou dorito, buck check out the latest version zanzisort v2.5 of this map. let me know what you think.
thankyou neoshadow. what do you mean Nostalgia?