OOOOO la la, liking the idea rogue, im gonna knock out a map so beast it will EAT YOU, anyways cant wait to see what overs do, Good Luck to all,...
Spectacular map, i absolutely adore the map, its a shame that your pictures dont show the map well, they are kind of dull and dont really pop to...
yes there tends to be some lag in forge, but i assure you in 2v2 EVEN 4v4 or up to 8 people free for all, there is practically no lag, and you are...
Thanks Crapoess, yea i really did try hard with the details, i wanted to make it really look like a legit map, not just blocks thrown all over the...
yep, i just loaded up xbox, and im going to see if i can mess around with it, i need to figure out something you are right. so we will see
from the pics i cant tell, it looks great though
hmm ill take a look
Thanks everyone for the comments, im loving to hear the feedback, i will think about posting an effectless map next time i can manage to get on,...
Wow 3 comments already, that was quick haha, anyways i appreciate the feedback, Audience the hallway at the back is quite narrow, however any...
[IMG] Welcome to Riposte "Welcome commander, we have good news for you today" exclaimed Head of Scientific Intel Sarah Thomas as she flipped...
Its alright mate we all have posts that plummet, it gets us down, but, just keep on plowing on, Not Only popular people make great things, on the...
lots of neat little aesthetics, i love the hill, it just looks so spiffy lol, looks like a very cleancut map, only thing i have to complain about...
Wow thanks guys lots of comments, im loving it, im hoping to pull version 2 out in a few weeks, so many more comments i love it and audience we do...
looks good, but the fact that its built around the beam loses my download, the beam is so un original, and i knew soon as tempest came out that...
Hey Dude I lvoe the progress you made on this map, the spirals with the antennas are completely and 100% sexiest thing ive ever seen the rocket...
The idea started on graph paper, all neat, just the outline of the map, originally it was going to be much bigger, but turns out i prefer 4v4...
thanks, yea this map took alot of work, i really enjoyed making it, and i just love the feedback ive gotten, it all started in study hall with...
The description BLOW ME AWAY you had me with the plot line, i beg of you to keep making these maps, the map LOOKS GREAT, very well layed out, cant...
i like this map, the fountain in the center room and the roof of the room are very unique and simple, the flag polls as fountain was a nifty...
OOO spicy, the satellites were a VERY intresting new touch, and the way you used the glass sails looked very intresting as well, i jsut hope there...