I'm going to go with, they're alien trees that are really strong and can grow through rock or metal and doesn't afraid of anything. Also explains...
[IMG] Boltshot chaos!!! With a kill-time that makes CE's Magnum nervous and grenades that make Reach's look limp, this gametype is not for the...
Natuary [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Description: Natuary is a simple Sanctuary variation trimmed down for more intense 2v2 gameplay. Significant...
Some of you may be familiar with the layout I've been working on recently called 'Fugue' - it evolved into this. Download Link Screenshots:...
If you're forging with friends, have everybody save the map and then go look at it. One person should have a less-screwed-up copy than everybody...
I don't understand your question. Yes, I mean pitch angle..? (I think) The map is sloped 12.8 degrees from horizontal, so the orange side is a few...
Did you look at it in-game? The sight-lines are pretty varied. There are a lot of diagonals. As for height variation, if you're talking distance...
There - I didn't realize links weren't showing up right for some people. I coloured them blue and threw in a rough layout shot.
Hey, you know that map (Fugue) I was asking you about? I reforged it on Forge Island if you're interested in taking a look....
I rebuilt this map on Forge Island. Here are pictures, and here is a link. Just finished building it. It only supports TS right now. Working on...
Isn't that already an option? I could swear I turned off auto-pickup in customs.
I don't see the harm in the repeating shape. It gives you a decent set of options and won't get in the way as much as a mountain range or whatever...
I just hope the handful of objects under 'Forge Island' in the menu are reasonably useful. Something anywhere near the Impact sub-palette would be...
That's little extreme. I haven't been killed with one since the patch. It's basically a non-EMP PP now.
I have both separately - I want to combine them lol I want to try a no-ordnance-waypoint version of the dust-up gametype, but instant respawn is...
It would be nice if there were an organized forum for decent modded content. ForgeHub is definitely a prime candidate for something like that. It...
I think he's just being cheeky - it was modded (and therefore taboo) up until the 2v2 playlist launched.
Yeah, I was referring more to no-waypoint ordnance and no-sprint gametypes.
I wonder, if enough of the FH big-wigs wanted a modded gametype for a tourney, if 343 would produce a legit version. I mean, it would take as much...
I was expecting an avatar that related to that sig. Like this. [IMG]