Looks very neat. Just from your pics (you should probably add more) I cannot see any big areas. It justs looks like bridges. In order for better...
It is possible to believe in both reality and religion.
Made by TyTheBomb with help from Dion94 "Without critical electricity generators like these, New Alexandria would have fallen years before the...
The Teddy Bear is so cute!! I have one question. Does it really play well?
There is a guy who has a good guide for this. He taught me so I hope he shows it to you. Just watch the comments section for the next coup[le days.
What you should do is set a flag to capture in the middle of the game. Once captured it could activate the second spawn sequece that could insert...
Sweet. My only concern is that it might look ugly or cause framerate issues. Is this a problem?
Okay, when I first started forging on Reach, it drove me nuts trying to get each piece perfetly flat. Like it would take 3-4 hours just to smooth...
Looks pretty good. The middle bridge reminds me alot of Narrows which is sweet. My only problem is that each base is so huge to be it's own...
Looks cool. It sounds alot like the Halo maps made in Halo 3 and those were fun, so maybe I'll try it.
New Starile is a vast and wondrous ring world, with panoramic vistas, and breathtaking views. It's wildlife is abundant, and is still relatively...
TyTheBomb Climax Team Slayer Thursday
Hi, I'm TyTheBomb, and I have made a map called New Starile, and need help testing it. I have only been able to test it with 4 players tops, and...
How do I delete this thread?
High Ground Man, if someone could remake high ground pretty much exactly the sames, I'd be amazed.
This abandoned ocean oil rig is still reminiscent of it's operating days. New Starile is one of my favorite maps on Reach. It features a hot tub,...
I mean that like, I made a forgemap, and want to put on a video for it.
I'll do it. I've made lots of great forge maps. Added after 1: I also have a friend who is a great forger, he''ll help too.
I just use respawn points. It's alot simpler. Whenever i use zones, they don't work properly anyway
How do you put videos on forgehub.