Thank you! now this thread is about invasion spawning, apparently. :(
but not if your playing a game with other colors like orange, purple, green and blue for example.
There is a VERY comprehensive guide on that will help you with Invasion spawning: Invasion + Forge Guide I know it is...
right, in invasion. does Spawn sequence for a respawn zone do anything at all in Slayer?
Does setting the spawn sequence on a respawn zone do anything? I'm hoping it will do something useful like: make the respawn zone's more...
I guess I can settle for that, thanks. But IS THERE A WAY to do it halo 3 style, rather than colors? team numbers (defenders, 3rd team, etc)...
Right, I figured I would put respawn zones over three bases, and assign them to a color. But like I said, I might run into a problem if I do it...
I've created a map on hemorrhage with a total of 6 bases, 3 bases on each half of the map. It will be played with up to 6 teams. The Question:...