Do you think we should start a group and leave this thread for people who want to join?
ok before i posted i wanted to read the whole thing and i dont agree with the people that think that just because we recently joined this site we...
I know that there are probably alot of these but i wanted to know without looking all over for one i trust does anybody know of any confirmed or...
Thanks soo much for the advice guys. and ultimateslayer i will add u next time i get a chance,
When I forge forts they always come out unbalanced and looking like crap any help on that? I am looking for things forts should always have and...
GT: Dread458 Times: weekends and evenings Mic: yeah About: Love puzzle maps like Dig to China and Brain Grinders. Big custom game infection maps...
I like to forge puzzle maps and infection the mostly but really i will help forge ANYTHING if u need it!:happy: