Okay,folks ; Listen up! You DO NOT need to set the physics of a sword to 'fixed' in order for it to stand upright. Just set the orientation to...
Huh...that's funny; I did that on purpose because I thought in the original that you only COULD jump one way,but not the other. Anything else?
Can you be more specific...PLEASE? WHERE are the jumps gone? WHERE is it too big? WHERE is it too small? I can't do anything to fix vague,...
Ah,Kdavis73...we meet again. So, tell me: You mentioned "A lot of the jumps can not be made even in halo 3 settings." Can you be more...
Hi... Um, I was told to "PM a Mod" about my problem... I recently posted a map thread,and had a few comments,and I realized that I had made a...
I think it looks really nice...I would look into the official Grifball Court measurements...they actually do exist somewhere. Aside from that,...
Thanks! I don't have a lot of people in my friends list that are down for Custom Games, so the most I've gotten on here is 4V4...but I'm sure it...
Thanks for your reply. The vehicles; 2X Warthog 2X Mongoose 2X Ghost 2x Revenant ...seem to be plenty enough to keep things lively...I wouldn't...
OCT-AGONY Created by HOBO ITCHY Map Description Welcome to my latest Forge Creation: OCT-AGONY. I created this map with Objective games in...
I think he means Reach has no Brute Shot,Mauler,or SMG. In My remake, "PIT BOSS", I replaced those ,respectively, with the Concussion...
This map looks very interesting...I like the layout. But you do realize that "centrifical" is not a real word,right? Not that that's a...
I like it...but what others said about the walls is true...they look too stark,compared with the rest of the structure. I'd recommend leaving the...
Good call. I should not have mentioned our personal messages. (shhh- they're personal!) I just wanted to compliment this map. I've edited my...
-snipped- HCTF CITADEL is a great map,and deserved to win! -snipped-
Despite what kdavis73,the creator of this map, has decided to BELIEVE that I think- -snipped- - I really think this remake of Citadel is...
What is?....where? (You need to post pics,or your thread will be locked)
You know, there are actually quite a few locations in the MYST games that would make EXCELLENT HALO MAPS! Doomsdale,if you wanna send me a friend...
This map looks pretty sweet. I like the layout. ...plus,the name, "Abridged" was my placeholder name for the map I eventually called "Tension...
Hey,Seaboro - Me and some friends are HUGE HUGE HUHE fans of your original Hog The Hill on Skyline for H3. i am downloading this immediately. Is...
I have one that beats this all day long. ...unfortunately,it's not in my 6-slot file share,due to stupid contests. I'd be happy to fire up a...