Late reply to the both of you above, but I attempted to add the 2 secret jumps from the 2nd floor to the 3rd floor. The end result being that I...
The actual walkthrough of the video is the first 4-5 minutes. Everything after that is just a rant about building the actual map, and what parts I...
[IMG] I'm officially finished with my Prisoner Replica. I'm not as happy with the end product as I hoped I would be, but on to the positives!...
Well, I'm currently working on a Prisoner Replica, but I'll be sure to look into tweaking the Derelict Replica once I'm finished with my current...
The rocks were added in due to the original terrain of the map having objects for cover. It made a huge difference in gameplay without anything to...
I know that the wall and double wall both have a slight invisible wall. Found out when I was looking for flat bridges for my Derelict map.
That's not what he was talking about or asking. Everyone knows about the Object Limit of 100 Walls, etc. The limit we're talking about in this...
Yes, there seems to be a HARD Limit Wall set on the amount of objects that can be placed within Forge World. I have run into this issue as well...
[IMG] *Updated* - This map is now able to play Capture the Flag, Oddball and King of the Hill. *UPDATE 2* - After some testing on King of the...
*EDIT* IGNORE THIS VERSION. I have an updated version Here or you can go to THIS POST.