The map was pretty fun. Nice interesting little map in the cave. It was awesome seeing how differently you used it from me. Worked out much better...
Setting up gametypes isn't too difficult, but it depends on what type of infection experience you want as to what you set. Ill be on all night so...
Yea in the end no matter how much you grind on commendations, its just a whole lot of no life thats going to get you to that ultimate goal of...
Glad to see I'm not the only one building a map in that cave. And finally someone else knows the headache of building in there xD Would like to...
Gamertag: StonedDevil05 Times you can get on: On Most Days, All Day (job hunting currently, no luck so far) Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing...
That its what I'm doing. I have two teleporters hidden by default on invasion. Added after 18 Hours 34 minutes: Original post edited to include...
This is what I have been doing. It was made for infection, but just for the sake of compatibility, I am adding in every game types objectives and...
I hate to have to ask this, but did you hit Start and select "Save New Map"? If so, did you select your map?
That is a photo of a hidden piece of the map. And its all laid out. I can't think of anything else to add or change to the layout currently, but...
[IMG] Map Name: Institution Canvas Name: Forge World Player Count: 2-16(maybe) Gametypes That Require Testing: Infection, Slayer, Assault...
Been posting this everywhere else, so if anyone is interested... First a disclaimer: I am not the best at Forge, or making maps. I just play...
Hi Im Corey, And Im An Addict. I have lost entire nights to forge, and will lose many more. I love making maps, almost as much as I love...