Thanks, this was very helpful. will keep your tips in mind for my next map, myb i might try re forging this..
The thing about that is, the nade launcher is up top there, and that is a very good weapon when used right... so what im saying is to get to the...
CAMP OUT Description: This map is my first legitimate map, that I actually put a lot of time and thought into it. It is a small,...
exactly what i was having trouble with
AMESROOM1.2 By: KwattyMode 420 Description: This is an attempt at making the Ames Room illusion, using the forge world....
holy blank .... dude looks so trippy good... and the fact its a puzzle... sweet twist on that one... cant wait to check it out 2morrow...
i think your putting to much negativity on yourself for this map... i think this map is very nicely done!.... 8/10
sad or angry... i have no idea what u are talking about or even trying to say haha... i tested this with alot of my friends.. and a few of their...
dono what ur talking about... no need for you negativity... all i was sayin to THE KID THAT RATED MY MAP A 7.5 was ill take it... not i rate my...
Finishin my map up now... so keep an eye out...
hahahah no.... the gem is actually in the map... with out gettin out of the barriers... my friends were messing around on the map, and must have...
haha thanks i thought the music went almost perfect with the video... not at all go right ahead put it where u want... Credit me wink wink make...
Got The Youtube Video UP... here it is Enjoy... use it only when stuck other wise you loose the funness of the game YouTube - HardMind Completed
ight buddy haha you be seeing it on here in a few days... id say its about 40 % done... its more so a puzzle rpg, so to say... versus having one...
nvm delete this please
i started making a puzzle map... let me know if u want to work on one together 2 words... "look up"
i did this with the golf ball ... but it wasnt workin.. so i just envaded right through leap of faith part... take a look at the floor notice...
really actually quite easy once perfected.... simply evade once threw... go at last minute
Finally beat this game... was very difficult but finally was able to get past the kill ball... ill have a video uploaded soon... i ran out of my...
haha i dont understand y it makes you laugh... the map is actually very well put together, and after the fact that i had less then 50 bucks left...