Thanks for pointing this out, Schnitzel. I'll need to keep this in mind as I'm adding spawns to my current map.
Well, the center rock is probably one of the purely aesthetic touches I tried to put on the map. (I was thinking along the lines of a Japanese...
I think I was the other guy getting his clock cleaned here. It's a gorgeous map! Sorry my n00bish corpses were littering the place. :)
Can you think of specifically where the rocks looked iffy? I've still got plenty of budget, and might even have a few rocks left to try to clean...
I've had the pleasure of playing Scarred Beach a few times in testing and it's a great map, balancing both aesthetics and playability very finely....
Thanks, man! I really appreciate it. It definitely took some testing and feedback to tweak the teleporters. They were a big problem with the...
Thanks a lot! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I can understand why you think it's got too many power weapons, but in testing it seemed to work fairly well. The rocket launchers have no extra...
Solitude is a symmetrical map built for both Team and FFA Slayer, as well as a few other game types. The map has three levels for combat: the...
I loved this map. The reduced visibility under the water adds a new dynamic to the gameplay as you try to determine if that shape ahead is a...
I got to help test this map on a couple of different occasions, and I always enjoyed it. The action is very quickly paced. While the action is...
I've been fortunate enough to test this map, and it's always been a pleasure. The sight lines are great, and I never felt like I had any trouble...
So it's directly referencing the Arena playlists? I thought that might be the case, but thought that the 8 player FFA didn't fit with that.
I'm getting a map ready to submit for the contest. It's a symmetrical 4v4 Team Slayer map. While browsing the category descriptions, though, I...
Thanks for the reply. The desirable weapons and health packs are both situated away from the top. (I purposely avoided putting health packs on...
I know a few folks in the FH community have helped me test the primary map I'm working on for the Forgetacular contest - Solitude. [IMG] The...
I loved playing on Brace. The map has a gorgeous look to it, and is well crafted. I never felt that either side was particularly dominant....
The latest version of Solitude has a fix to the teleporters. They'll now take you to the tower directly opposite (thus, the furthest one away.)...
Awesome. I'm glad you've enjoyed it. My wife can attest that I've hovered over it, fidgeting and fussing over every detail. I'm proud of what...
Hrmm. For my latest iteration, I've replaced the rock-jumps with ramps that should be easier to see and navigate. (Largely because that was the...