i don't have anything against it. it just seems random enough for a comment like that. i wasn't criticizing the map or anything, i haven't even...
what is this, i don't even...
i LOVED containment in halo 2. like you said though, finding a suitable place in forgeworld to match the size of the original just isn't gonna...
it looks nice, i'll check it out. you mentioned in your description that you're looking for a sidewinder remake. i've got one posted under the...
please stop remaking this same thread over and over again. i see that you've added more pictures this time, but it would have been sufficient to...
i have to disagree with you there. we had a race variant in halo 1 that we used for LANs all the time which was great. being that everyone...
i thought about doing something like that, but decided against it because it would only save a few pieces and would just kind of interrupt the...
thanks for the suggestion. i looked at rocket race, but even it doesn't allow for the same kinds of options you could have in Halo 1's race....
first off, i apologize if this has already been discussed/answered on this forum. i searched around a bit, but didn't have any luck anyway, team...
this forum requires you to embed pictures in your post when you create a thread, otherwise your thread will get locked....
lol, sorry. i had no choice. there just weren't enough coliseum wall pieces to get around having to use grids
here is version 2 of this map: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=10554987&player=Willko this update has the respawn times...
this looks like a neat map. i was never really a fan of Gemini, but the aesthetics on this one look superb. i'm adding it to my download queue now
mine doesn't have the crane at all. i didn't focus at all on aesthetics. some of the pieces i used just happen to stick out above the playable...
i forgot to do this when i created the thread and can't seem to edit it, so could a mod change the min/max players to 8-16 please?
i'm adding this to my download queue right now. i'll test it out when i get off of work tonight
the size is as close to the original as i could get(for instance, the seaside door of blue base is 2 warthog lengths toward the sea, and 3 warthog...
thank you. I knew that it had to be done, i just wasn't sure how to do it. would it be too much to ask how to embed a video from youtube(or from...
rendered video preview(if someone can tell me how to imbed the video here, i will): Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details remake of the halo...