I am trying to do a mouseover image here in the forums. I've read the BBCode page and followed its instructions. I am using Imageshack as a...
Due to the high "Hit Points" of your classes I would suggest an even more limited health regen. Depending upon your map size and style, I would...
I have to be honest, it sounds a lot like you want to make invasion slayer, but the twist is that the territories capture points instead of...
Hey Cyclone, Some great games last night, as you know the spawning on this map needs to be tweaked a little bit to make it feel really good. A...
When is Rage due out?
So I've watched a few of the videos that are from the new and upcoming game, Brink. It looks interesting and I like the character customization...
save as new map besides it is always good to have atleast two of everymap that is important to you. Halo Reach has issues with map saves...
There's other modes other than forging?!? Where'd you find those?
DavidJCobb - For not "getting" my explanation, you hit the nail right on the head, and I certainly intend to do something of this sort. ps- I did...
Yeah definitely didn't know who you were, good to see you here. I'm currently setting up a few images and stuff to lay out in a preview thread so...
Familiarity is good, but I can honestly say I had nothing mind from previous maps when I built it. I hope you like it High Charity, It was damned...
Yeah Vanilla was definitely at the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure others had the idea roughly the same time. But Vanilla implemented it better, and...
Dude I love the Redneck fix...I'd love to hear if this works!
Ooh ooh ooh tree, tree, wheres the tree? wait tree cut down by laser...AWESOME!
Well spacious sounds about right. With all the images you provided the spaces feel very open and also managing uniqueness. I am at work but I want...
Tedium, Thanks for the review. It is a relief to get some solid feedback. Your review definitely shows my map in a new light, and while that...
Your first picture is very impressive. It certainly entices me to look around further. I also like how you used the brace tunnel as coverpoints on...
Have you no shame Secret?? Oh wait, did I click on Promethean or Promethean when I voted...Ohh. No harm done.
Yeah Secret I think you did add already. We'll play soon I'm sure.
Yeah I didn't get on as often as I would have like either. Still if you're ever up for a game let me know.