You know you've been on too long when you go to page 100 in maps section and say "Hey, I remember this!"
BERB I've been meaning to get back online but sadly I has none gold so there is no purpose D:
Berbberbberbberb Y u make my profile your playlist?
<3 Mercury. It was always fun playing with you and equinox, getting snipped. (Yes that's right, snipped.) I love playing here- as you pointed out...
Murp [spoiler]
Might want to change your sig >.>
;3 WASN'T ME Anywho, berb, I love the way this map looks. You've always had great, if not that, the best forerunner appearing invasion maps....
Edit: Just read the above comment. Embarcadero by FlyingShoe IHR
My eyes snapped instantly to Hushed.
Berb, you took the words out of my mouth. Anywho, I've loved this ever since you forced me to play the campaign with you, ah the nostalgia put...
This didnt win a favorite yet? :O The noms are calling.
Nah, i just copy/pasted what you said... I was lurking.
Hooray, u gotz 500 powstz!
Hey, you know what I just thought of? Rather than discussing S and Barky in visitor messages, shouldn't we just make a social group for us to chat?
Yea, I did actually. The only things I disliked were the pistol, but then again I'm guessing quake had some sort of sidearm as a primary; and the...
If it didn't win. These.
Ah. That explains alot. I left early then, lol.