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panicwall updated COLD STORAGE V2.0 with a new update entry: Correction from last update Read the rest of this update entry...
Added new sections to the map. small tight tunnel. Used for sneaking, getting away, and or flanking. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Added Ray gun....
panicwall updated COLD STORAGE with a new update entry: Cold Storage Remastered. New file COLD STORAGE V2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
Added wall atheistic changes and a window to camo room. gold room has also had some minor additions. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
panicwall updated COLD STORAGE with a new update entry: Added atheistic and minor map changes Read the rest of this update entry...
panicwall updated COLD STORAGE with a new update entry: Map Atheistic updates Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for the feedback as this map is a work in progress. Currently looking into the problems you found.
panicwall submitted a new map: Cold Storage - Cold Storage remade for halo 5 Overview: Halo 3 Cold storage redesigned for halo 5 multiplayer....
Overview: Halo 3 Cold Storage redesigned for halo 5 multiplayer. This is version 1 and changes will follow. All weapon spawns and power ups are...
Added lights to s1, s2, blue room, and gold room for aesthetic looks. added lights also help with visibility as map was too dark in certain areas.
panicwall updated GUARDIAN V1.2 with a new update entry: Lighting changes Read the rest of this update entry...
Added new hiding spot. changed lighting in certain areas. Strongholds now works. When playing teams please choose either team 7 or 4, or the...
panicwall updated GUARDIAN V1.2 with a new update entry: Minor map additions added needler and now compatible with Strongholds. Read the rest...
panicwall submitted a new map: GUARDIAN - Halo 3 Guardian Remade for halo 5 sandbox Halo 3 Guardian redesigned for halo 5 multiplayer, with...
Overview: Halo 3 Guardian redesigned for halo 5 multiplayer, with small changes and additions. Map still plays relatively similar to the original....