So don't make the shields floating in midair- make them part of the structure. Worked for me.
But all of these will have the fixed and phased weapons problem- if a player drops them or dies- these weapons will float in midair and will be...
Angle the landing to deflect the vehicles?
That won't solve anything. There's no multiflag specific tag- only CTF.
Is it consistent right now? If you have 4 players, will they always spawn in (say) upper right, 2nd down left, 3rd down left and 7th down right?...
Nope. All the colors of the rainbow are available- at least in multiflag?
Yes, multi-flag CTF is common. Hell, you could even have more than one flag per team (I think).
For Slayer, you'll want initial spawns (and then respawns) with the Game_Specific flag set to Slayer For Assault, you'll want team initial spawns...
As would I. I tried a lot of things in both Forge and Custom game settings- and there doesn't seem to be a way. Of all the dumb things to...
The problem is that you're not talking about an oddball- correct? You're talking about a soccer ball or golfball set as a team's scoring zone- right?
Are you testing this in Forge? It also might be when it goes outside of a safe zone, rather than inside a kill.
I would count the number of headhunter/stockpile/etc on The Cage/Pinnacle and work it out from there. They've done many more hours of playtesting...
Edit in basic editing mode and see if you see anything up there. If you still don't; use the "Delete all of these items?" to delete ALL your...
That's nice. How about trying to work on your paragraphs per minute? As for the map idea, sounds fun and doable.
Place the landmine using fixed physics above the mancannon. Set respawn time to 1-10 or whatever you want. It should be floating above the...
You did the right thing with respawn time 180, spawn at start no with a 0 minimum. If it still spawns at the start, it doesn't seem like it'll work.
You can't tell an object to be present in all gametypes EXCEPT one. You can tell it to only be present in FFA games. Or only be present in Team...
The banshee spawn looks... damaging.
Good to hear. My concern has been echoed by everyone else here. It's fine line between endless CTF stalemate and un-opposed capping.
I think your best bet would be to surround the Falcon with rocks in such a way that it can't be flown out. An arch blocking a wing, etc. There...