Wow, this map looks great. I love how you have a very similar fight space as midship, with bases on the outside, and the central high ground that...
hey, your link may be broken. I tried to DL and it couldn't find it in your share. I checked it manually and it wasn't there either.
This looks like a fun, simple, competitive map. I say simple because it seems like a basic inituitive layout- two main bases, a middle, and...
THis looks like a fun map for BTB, although it kind of reminds me of a completely different game- Battlefield 2142. It was a semifuturistic...
I think you need to update the gametype links- when i clicked on them it went to bungie and said no search query found. maybe you put them out of...
would you mind explaining the point of the minigame- it looks very interesting and I like the map, I just don't know what you do.
OK, his english wasn't even that bad, and you use only one period, just two huge run on sentences. hipocryte. Now, to the map. I am not so clear...
FIrst of all, this is a pretty sweet remake, great attention to detail. I would just like to say that the only flaw that comes to mind is the...
This is what people need to start doing. making maps with a theme or point, because if you think about it, every great map has had one central...
Yeah, you gotta get those pictures in, but good job for a first post. It actually looks like a fun game, but no one will DL without pictures. good...
Is this an aeschetic map or what? what game type is it... seems like invasion, but you dont specify.
This map looks great for some competitive games, I like the layout- the use of rocks and platforms, the tunnels, and the grav lifts. I was just...
This looks like a great remake, it seems like it would play exactly like the original. I am just thinking that the scenery and aesthetics aren't...
this is a really sweet idea of placing the map here. I like how you used the rock formation on the center tower.Looks great , will DL
I hate it when I have to knock a map for one reason, but the scenery is so cliche. Is there any other good ways of showing detail without copying...
Finally... a good remake of epitaph. IN halo 3, epitaph was a great map, especially for local games, and your remake looks spot on. I can't wait...
First of all, this looks like a pretty sweet map, I love how you put forerunner structure outside the map to hold it up, and it looks like it will...
I think this looks like areally interesting map. I applaud you using curved end pieces, because if you are in the center, everyone will be above...
This is a really great ascetic map, but I alsoo was thinking it would be a great multiplayer map.It is a really good idea, of having a space ship...