Since the early days of Doom and Quake, I have never sat down and drawn a map idea. I just get in there and throw stuff around. :D I think I...
Yeah, I have this issue too. If we had custom Prefabs we could save, I would happily mess around in one map until I make stuff I like and then...
[MEDIA] [IMG] Yes again, I am playing around. Getting a little better at decorating stuff though! I may have...possibly...shown off my 2v2 WIP...
A few minor tweaks and some interesting ways to attack the enemy base. Takes the feel of Longest Yard from Quake 3 but adds the Team CTF element....
Raide UK updated Longest Yard with a new update entry: Longest Yard Team Read the rest of this update entry...
Its a shame I cannot figure out how to do the high moving platform but everything else is coming along well. Fun to run around with. Weapons have...
Raide UK updated Q3 CTF4 SPACE with a new update entry: Q3 CTF4 v 3 Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello all! More tweaks to one of my favourite maps. Vehicles added, more expansion. More weapons etc. If anyone can test with friends and let me...
Raide UK updated WINTER VALLEY with a new update entry: Winter Valley v3: Near The End! Read the rest of this update entry...
I get so distracted making maps. I start one, then move on to something new. Damn I need to finish stuff! [IMG] [IMG]
Your Halo Waypoint Gamertag link. Until the Fileshare stuff is done, this is the only way.
My Q3 Maps, Longest Yard and CTF4 Support 8v8 but its probably super hectic. Could be a funny and crazy CTF match :D
I would love to make it but something came up. Can I still submit a map or two for you to test?
Just posted my Quake 3 CTF 4 Map I have been working on. Portals work, still need to sort 2 jumps (Actually cannot remember where they go!) The...
Raide UK submitted a new map: Q3 CTF Space - Remake of the classic Quake 3 CTF map, Space (CTF4) Remake of the classic Quake 3 CTF map, Space...
Remake of the classic Quake 3 CTF map, Space (CTF4) Still working on the basic layout but things are coming together. Just cooking up a...
Raide UK updated Winter Valley v2 with a new update entry: Winter Valley v2 Video Read the rest of this update entry...
Its like some sci-fi Church Organ. :D
Hello all! I have returned to this map because I thought it was a little too "straight down the middle" for combat purposes. I have opened up the...