I think you sent it to someone else, cause i don't have any messages.
Cant get past the first part with teh ghost and the wall.
This was a pretty good map. No complaints or anything from me. I liked it from start to finish. Good work.
I downloaded have yet to beat it cause I got to annoyed with the armor lock parts. The first part is fine, the second part I think I am cheating...
How do you kill yourself with the pistol? I cant figure it out for the life of me.
Please can I get a PM or something telling me how to get passed the room with the damn ghost. I dont why but i cant figure that out.
Can you give any sort of hint for the ghost room? I had me and 3 others and we dont get it.
This a good fun map. Like you said not the most intense map or anything but its pretty good nonetheless. I do like it. I have passed it before but...
Me and my friend have been on this for an hour and dont know what to do at the mancannon to the orange things. EDIT: We figured out the map...
Hey I have 4 people int he room total and we are all the way at teh shade turret part but we are completely stuck. We found the beam rifle but...
You really should have made a custom gametype for this. You dont know what gametype you are suppose to choose seeing as you said custom gametype....
This map is pretty challenging so far. Right now me and a friend are stuck at the jet pack part where you go up then down or up then through the...
Good job on the map. Its very well made. Makes a good transfer from rainbow to Halo.
Wow this just made me feel like a complete idiot. Wow just wow. I am dumb lol. Thanks man.
Why thank you :D
This map was awesome. Super challenging. Me and two of my friends played it and it took us FOREVER to finish. We all failed in every spot a lot of...
Hello all reading this. I am Volcom Guy992 have always and will always be that :D I have lurked around this place since Halo 3 and have always...
I think I would love this map but me and 3 other friends cant make it over that stupid jump over the water. The one in the 8th picture. We are...