this is a issue that has appeared to me twice now. where long sessions of forge fail to reload properly. typically i will spend 6+ hours in a...
love the design of the gates as they are in the pictures. i tryed playing with a map that uses a similar system to place the blue base in the coll...
i have a similar style map called Luminescence also here on Forge hub that also takes place entirely in the tunnel/cavern. that little spot has a...
Now Posted Ver 1.1 which removes the Rocket Launcher and lowers ammo on the sniper and shotgun. also have increased the respawn times of the Ghost...
the first 3 pictures are the layout. its a small map. you have to acually play it to understand. however i will get additonal pictures up tomorrow.
the presence of the rocket launcher may be too much at in V1.1 i may swap it and the Shotgun or remove the Rockets entirely and use their old...
theres y corner peices sourrouning a dish? hmm ill have to download this to see for myself... should be intresting. id like to see a monster...
ITs REALLY hard to get the Sword and the Cuncussion rifle and they are mostly there for anyone willing to take the time to find them. it would be...
Hidden beneath the massive crater lake on reach exists a supernatural wonder. This Caverns glowing deposits of unknown mineral and the presence of...
your map looks intresting but your primary link at the page top is linked to a picture rather than the map itself. please fix it so i can download...
after an EXTREME amount of testing i managed to narrow the cause the BLAM!ing of the following discription. "presence of forerunner structure in...
They thought the war would not end. they though they would never resolve their diffrences. but the war ended, and we Transcended our diffrences....
Despite a few visual parts that are sightly haphazard due to inherant limitations to forge this map is quite captavating visually. id love to see...
i had to go into forge mode and remove a wall peice to figure out where on Forge World you put this... its really well blended visually and has a...
it seems smaller than the origonal H2 one but it truly feels just like it. i kind of miss H2 now^^ the look and feel of the H2 one was just...
Now Avilable For Download: Aquarius This strange Forerunner structure seems to have little purpose. However open access areas and constant...