Really great map! Just finished this with my friend. The ending is awesome! Are you really not going to make any more co-op puzzle maps? These are...
Yea I did this map a few days ago and it was really challenging. The only thing I truly hate about it is the host/fixed guns thing. Even figuring...
Hey if I could help both of you that'd be great. Even if I was just putting pieces down listening to how you guys think of these puzzles would be...
I tried to make a sort of similar game type in halo 3 where first you were blocked off by walls but in about 10 seconds grav lifts spawned and...
I was able to get to sub challenge #2 and I hope that after you beat that you get a checkpoint, because it really is a pain getting that far and...
This map was a pain but so satisfying once you heard the mission complete music! I actually beat this with 4 players but a trick to having 4 is...
Is this really a 16 person puzzle? I'm not sure what I am supposed to do at the start because I spawn in a box =/
I see it is for 4 players but will you need all 4 or can it be done solo? I really like the puzzles where you need all 4 players to make it past...
That barrel has it out for you!
He sure is a trooper ='( Way to take one for the team!
GT: Icegoten Sounds fun so I want to see what it is.
I am using initial spawns.
I need help with getting spawn points to work for infection. I'm trying to invert the spawns to have the round end in 1 life zombies when the...
Gamertag: Icegoten Times you can get on: 4pm - 1am EST Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: I need help with getting spawn points to...
Oh ok well I actually got it finished a couple of minutes ago with my friends and it was pretty cool. We figured out that we should just rush the...
I am still working on solving this map with my friends. We made it to the falcon but someone died a little before we got there. I don't know if...