7.4.. it's passing :D thanks for the feedback! annd it's already at 1000+ downloads and 19 thumbs up! far surpassed my expectations :P
Teh Krush, you're right, I accidentally clicked Conquest. Thanks for the fix! also in case anyone was wondering - the outside and the inside are...
This the latest (possibly final unless something unexpected pops up) version of my Inside Xbox map. The map is just what the title says - the...
Update: Just wanted to post a video of the map since the pics are kind of hard to make out....
Yes, the Xbox is on its side. I felt this made more sense in terms of gameplay. Edit/Update: [IMG] New Ring of Light from the inside. Not...
Awesome idea! Hadn't even thought of that. thanks a lot! :D
Thanks for the feedback, I'll definitely look into submitting it there..... proooobably in it's next phase which will include compatibility with...
This is just a goofy idea I came up with while watching one of those Inside Xbox videos on the dashboard the other day (not so much the content of...
Yeah that was my first thought when making the map, but they're a little too big and still pretty immovable... If only there were more scenery...
The columns were meant to be the barrels. I was hoping there'd actually be some barrel items in forge that would have weight to them and whatnot...
This was my first map in Forge, a remake of Shipment from COD4. Again, pretty small and good for small groups and local mp. It's compatible with...
Hey, this is actually my second map in the new Forge. It's a remake of the Goldeneye Facility map. It's fairly small which feels like a nice...